
Pastoral Search Team


Robert Belz, Suzy Medina, Dan Strader, Linda Carolan, Rusty Carolan

A message from your Pastoral Search Team

This is an important time in the life of our church, as we prepare to select our next Senior Pastor.  It is a decision that requires the prayerful consideration of the whole congregation.  We will do our best to keep you informed on the progress we are making throughout the process.  We ask for your prayers for the committee, the man God is calling to Communion Chapel, and the church as a whole.

For those of you that can’t print out the survey, we will have additional copies of the congregational survey in the next few weeks!  This will give the committee a chance to get feedback from the congregation about what you see as the needs of the church and for the new pastor.

The Pastoral Search Team is seeking input from church members and regular attendees (aged 16+) for a two-fold purpose: 1) to aid in defining “who” we are, and 2) to identify the traits you desire in the person of a Senior Pastor. Additionally, we want to get some of your thoughts regarding the Church. When completing this survey, on questions where you do not have a strong preference, please feel free to use the “No Preference” option where provided.

(NOTE: for purposes of accurately defining “who” we are, we ask that only one parent in each family provide child-specific information)

There are two formats of this survey. Feel free to download either file, print it out, fill it out and bring it , or mail it to the church by January 27th.

Doc format:Congregational-Survey

PDF format:Congregational-Survey