How to Join

Section 1 – Qualification for Membership

The church shall welcome into its membership any person:
(a) who testifies to having a personal belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
(b) who accepts and affirms the teaching of God’s Word as stated in Sections 1-7 and 11 of Article III hereof,
(c) who agrees to abide by the Constitution and By-laws of the church and to submit to the discipline of the church as provided in Section 6 of this Article,
(d) who is a minimum of 18 years old, and
(e) who has made application as provided in Section 2 of this Article.

Section 2 – Application for Membership

A person desiring to become a member of the church shall:
(a) attend a new member class.
(b) carefully read the Constitution and By-laws for the Church.
(c) then meet with three or more Church Elder Board members and/or pastor(s) whom the Elder Board  designates for this purpose, to permit them to inquire into the person’s qualifications for membership as set forth in Section 1 of this Article. If such Elder Board members unanimously determine that the person meets the qualifications as set forth in Section 1 of this Article, the applicant is immediately accepted into membership and the name of the new member is placed on the church roll and announced in the weekly bulletin.

Section 3 – Privileges of Membership

Membership in the church shall entitle a person to:
(a) vote on all matters presented to the church for vote, and
(b) hold office in the church.
(c) hold a leadership position (i.e. teacher, ministry leader)
Non-members shall not exercise these privileges.

Section 4 – Letter of Recommendation

Any member in good standing who wishes to withdraw from membership shall, upon request, in writing, be given a letter of recommendation from the church unless he/she is in the process of Church discipline.

Section 5 – Termination of Membership

Membership in the church may be terminated in any of the following manners:

(a) Voluntary – Any member may withdraw from membership in the church by submitting a written request to the Elder Board that their name be removed from the list of members. This withdrawal shall be effective the date of such request as long as the member is not in the process of church discipline initiated by the Elder Board.

(b). Involuntary – Any member may be dropped from membership in the church without their consent, for good cause based on Scripture and/or the Constitution of the church, as determined by the Elder Board, upon a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and eligible to vote at any business meeting of the church. A motion to involuntarily terminate the membership of any member may be made only by an Elder Board member and, to be considered, must be seconded by another Elder Board member. Involuntary termination shall be effective immediately upon conclusion of voting.

(c) By Review – The Elder Board shall, at least annually, update the membership records to keep them current. Any member who fails to attend at least one (1) worship service of the church during any consecutive six (6) month period, for any reason other than military assignment, missionary work or prolonged illness, may be dropped from membership in the church by Elder Board action as of and effective at the end of such period. This provision shall not apply to a member who is temporarily absent from the San Antonio area for more than a consecutive twelve (12) month period and who notifies a Elder Board member of this fact before or during the twelve (12) month period.

Section 6 – Discipline of Membership

Any member of the church who is found to be living in clear and willful disobedience of Scripture shall be warned, corrected and dealt with by the Elder Board members in accordance to Scripture (Matthew 18:15-17; I Corinthians 5:11-13; Galatians 6:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; and others) in the spirit of brotherly love and prayerfulness. Should such member continue living in such disobedience, the church shall, in accordance with Section 5B of this Article, dismiss them from membership. Upon sincere repentance the person may be accepted again for membership in the church, in accordance with Section 2 of this Article

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